Monday, March 7, 2011


So far Mexico has not gone the way I planned it. I plan a lot of things. I like to plan. I was planning positively. I wanted to win the whole tournament here in Irapuato. But my life had other plans.

The night before my match I felt fine. Everything was just like normal. I ate what the other players ate. I made my phone calls and then went off to bed ready for my match in the morning. Next thing I know I'm woken up around 3am to major stomach pains. I rolled around and tried to get comfortable. I didn't think much of it so I tried to sleep through it.

I couldn't really do that because my stomach was very unhappy. As the night progressed I threw up 6 times. Each time I was finished I thought I was done for the night. It's that feeling of relief. But each time I thought that about 15-20 minutes later I wake up and have to run to the bathroom again. Finally around 6am I finish my last bathroom run and fall asleep until 8:30. I'm supposed to eat breakfast and get ready to warm up at 10. This isn't looking good.

All I could summon down in the morning was a little bit of water and gatorade. I get to the courts and do some minor stretches and then I'm on the court trying to warm up my friend. I actually don't feel to bad but by then end I could barely serve. Afterwards, I went to find a lounge chair by the pool to try and rest before my match. I couldn't get comfortable because the pain so bad and I kept getting the shivers.

I went to see the doctor/trainer they have on staff here at the tournament. She doesn't speak much English but I could communicate that my stomach was hurting and I threw up last night. She gave me some medicine and I took what was similar to EmergenC.

I laid down on the grass near my court so I could hear the score. I wanted to move as little as possible so I didn't have to get up every 30 minutes to check on how my court was progressing. There was no improvement in the pain or the wooziness that I felt while running around. I knew it was going to be difficult to play but I wanted to see if I could muster enough energy to get through it.

Not to be overly cocky, but I could have won handily if I was anywhere near feeling decent. After each point we played I had to bend over and try not to fall over. Everything was hurting. At 3-2 I stopped. I  had nothing in me.

Once I had the doctor fill out my medical form, I went back home and slept. I woke up around 5 and ate some more toast, started feeling crummy and ended up getting a 100 degree fever. I slept again until about 10pm. Woke up and ate some crackers and then went to bed until 10:30am. Tired much! :)

I feel a whole lot better today but still weak. I really wish this didn't happen. I knew I could have done well in this tournament. I know it's a disappointment but sometimes you just get sick and you can't do anything about it. I'm going to try and play doubles. Hopefully my partner and I have a Wednesday start but there is a chance we play tomorrow.

Hopefully I keep feeling better and better!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I can't believe you played when you were so sick! You are one tough cookie! Praying you keep feeling better. At least you have cute puppies to keep you company... ;)
